
This super moist paleo banana bread is gluten-free, dairy-free, and perfectly sweet. This is the best way to use up those brown bananas that are fermenting on your countertop and make a delicious banana loaf that the whole family will love! This banana bread makes the best breakfast alongside a hot cup of coffee. It’s…

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gluten free dairy free oatmeal raisin cookies


These soft, chewy, and crisp around the edges oatmeal raisin cookies give your grandma’s cookies a run for her money! These cookies are a gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free take on the classic recipe. I’m also of the opinion that the best way to consume oatmeal is in a cookie! To be honest, oatmeal raisin…

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paleo sticky sauce orange chicken


I love that sticky, sweet, thick orange sauce that coats my take-out order of orange chicken. But, I don’t love the fatigue and bloating I get afterward from the MSG, excess amounts of salt, and sneaky sugar added to the sauce. Hello, healthier, paleo, gluten-free orange chicken! My healthy version of this popular take-out dish…

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I love Russell Stover’s. I always have so much fun eating their variety pack of truffles, taking a bite of each one to find the perfect flavor. I truly think these Paleo Double Chocolate Date truffles come very close to the texture of Russel Stover’s chocolate truffles. My version is paleo and sweetened only by…

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