How to Start Eating Healthy for Beginners

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Eating healthy can seem daunting, expensive, and boring. To dip your toes, use these simple tips we’ve found to be life-changing to our healthy, minimal lifestyle.

Tackle one meal

What meal do you find yourself struggling to make a good decision at? Lunch with coworkers? Breakfast when you are rushed at the drive-through? Dinner when you are too tired?

Pick your most difficult meal and prep it ahead of time. Homemade granola for breakfast, prepped tuna salad with cucumbers and carrots to dip, or a nourishing chili for dinner. Prepping these ahead of time will help you make healthier choices that you can feel good about.

Swap for better

Take it one step at a time. Don’t waste all your money on organic, expensive everything. Finish that bag of chips, but when you are done, simply swap with a better alternative. When you are finished with a carton of vegetable oil, swap it for avocado oil or coconut oil. Slowly phase out the bad and bring in more of the good. This won’t crash your budget or your taste buds all at once. The gradual shifts will build into bigger ones.

Cook your own food when possible

It’s no surprise that food cooked at home will likely be healthier and made with cleaner ingredients. When just beginning, think of what you are craving and look up a healthy recipe for that food. Have fun sneaking in veggies to the dish. You will feel less bloated and more satisfied.

When at a restaurant, choose veggie-heavy options

Cooking at home is always preferable, but life is about balance! Choose wisely when dining out to feel your best after. Instead of fries, choose a side salad or seasonal veggies. Choose marinara-based sauces over cream-based sauces. Pick protein and veggie-heavy entrees. The protein will keep you full and satisfied rather than the carb-dense options offered.

Crowd out with veggies

Find ways to crowd out the bad with the good. Fill your plate with mostly veggies and THEN add a little bit of the other less healthy options. This is great to think about when at a gathering with friends. This will prevent overeating too much junk and balance your plate so you still enjoy what you love while still getting your nutrient-dense veggies in.

Protein, Fat, Fiber

When you are at a loss for a healthy meal to make, just remember these three components: protein, fat, fiber. All of these combined will stabilize your blood sugar and keep you satiated until your next meal. Take whatever protein you love, add healthy fat and some veggies for fiber, and you are guaranteed a well-balanced plate that will make you feel happy and satisfied.

If you are beginning, pick one tip to work on and be consistent with it. Consistency will help build a healthy lifestyle over time.

What will you do today to work towards your health goal?

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